Listening exercise IFR 48

How to use this exercise?

As in the real ELP assessment you will hear a number of radio messages. You will hear each message twice. Try to fill in the blanks on the right of the screen. To better prepare for the exam, it is best to write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. Click on “Show” to check your answers. Click on the “Lingaero” logo to play the recording.


This exercise is part of the DGAC IFR ELP. If you are preparing for this exam then don’t forget there are two other tests to pass:

Simulated flight
A role play with the examiner
Access simulated flights

Unusual situation
Translation of an emergency situation phrase
Access emergency situation phrases

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Message 1

Embassy 752, ……………. level 140

Message 2

Air France 2903, climb to …………….

Message 3

Air Asia 2940, departure, identified, climb to …………….

Message 4

Departure good morning, Express India 681, ROTOL1A departure, …………….

Message 5

Express India 681, Departure, identified, climb to …………….

Message 6

Phuket 2054 contact radar …………….